I finished my March and April block swap. March theme was Easter (nonreligious). I found this cute bunny in her Easter dress. I had to stitch her. The pattern came from Donna Kooler's 555 Fabulous Cross Stitch Patterns. As I was looking for my pattern last month (Little Bo Beep), I came across some sheep which is April's theme. The sheep was really quick with only 4 colors.

I got this wonderful exchange from Shelley in CA. It was Color the World, and the partner send stash and/or nonstash with your favorite colors. She send me a note pad, sticky notes, a mini journal and mini photo album, WDW Union blue and Peiria Purple threads, 3 mini ribbons, and a #88 National Guard car, which is driven by my favorite driver, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. It is my second car. My friend Rich got me an Amp car last July when he was in Connecticut. I love everything and I think the journal will be fill soon with my trip to Texas. Thank you Shelley!

I have one more update. I have been working on The Bookshelf this weekend. I stayed up until 1 am last night stitching. I just got a groove on the stitching and had to continue for a while. I still have to do my Christmas ornament this month. I am really not in the mood to do it yet. Maybe I will in the next few days, because March is almost over. I leave next Tuesday for Texas! Hooray! I am getting really excited.
Until next time. Have a great week everyone!