I found a giveaway from Always Smiling. She is giving away a Silver Creek Samplers for her 6th blog anniversary. Just click here
I haven't post in a long long time. I will shortly. I have been very busy and stitching away. Well not much stitching but getting some done, and not for me either. I will do a post soon.
10 August 2014
27 May 2014
May Stitch from Stash report
This is a very short report. I spend money again. I got a rare and out of print Mirabilia pattern on ebay.
Yes I am happy with the purchase. I know I will it stitch some day. It cost $36 but to win one under $40 is rare. I didn't expect to win it either.
I have nothing new to show. I have been stitching a model for Victorian Motto Sampler and had been my main priority these last few weeks. If I am not stitching the model, then its for a couple exchanges I have to complete. Good news is some of my stash is going, but I have been posting them on Facebook right now. I had deleted my Stash for Sale pages temporary. I will put them back up when things settle down.
I will be back after my model is done, or when I have a couple pictures to show.
Until next time,
Yes I am happy with the purchase. I know I will it stitch some day. It cost $36 but to win one under $40 is rare. I didn't expect to win it either.
I have nothing new to show. I have been stitching a model for Victorian Motto Sampler and had been my main priority these last few weeks. If I am not stitching the model, then its for a couple exchanges I have to complete. Good news is some of my stash is going, but I have been posting them on Facebook right now. I had deleted my Stash for Sale pages temporary. I will put them back up when things settle down.
I will be back after my model is done, or when I have a couple pictures to show.
Until next time,
09 May 2014
Found a Giveaway
Frances, of A Symphony of Stitches, is having a giveaway. She is a big Prairie Schooler fan, and giving away Christmas Traditions. You just need to become a follower on her blog. Click on here to enter. Good luck!
27 April 2014
Stitch From Stash April Report
It is time for the April report, since it is due on the 28th and I waited last minute again. I went over my budget this month. I spent $31.95, however $6.95 comes from my carry over budget. I did not break the bank but I know I could do better. I got a pattern from Stoney Creek, a series I am collecting, and a piece fabric from Silkweavers. I won an auction from Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie. That one caught me by surprise, because I usually do not win, lol!
I do have a couple more birthday presents to show.
Heidi send me Mill Hill Midnight Pumpkin and a piece of white lugana fabric. Thank you Heidi!
Glenna send me a birthday card and 2 skeins Weeks Dye Works in Sweet Potato and Ocean. She send the card and skeins from the goodness of her heart. Thank you Glenna!
Now on to the Stitchy news. First is Sunflower Sampler in its frame. I love how it turned out.
I do have a finish, Little Miss Sunflower. I love this one too. I am looking for a sunflower fabric so I can hang it up in my bedroom. I am having troubles finding some.
Little Miss Sunflower
by Diane Williams
32 count linen Solo by Silkweavers
recommended threads
I did not stitch on my April Calender girl yet. The package came in with my birthday packages, and I didn't notice it had arrived until a couple days before my birthday. I even send a note to my shop owner and to my embarrassment, I had it all this time. I had started on CCN Snowmen Trio. I want to get it done this weekend, but I think I had twisted my knee. It has been sore all weekend and walking on it has been torture at times. I don't think the doctor be able do anything except tell me to stay off my leg. I decided to update my blog and finish the snowmen tomorrow, then to April girl.
Now a throwback picture. While I was at my aunt's for Easter, she had a new family picture. She had found a trio frame, and put my sisters and my high school Senior pictures in the frame. It came out gorgeous!
That is all for now. Have a good week!
Little Miss sunflower,
Snowmen Trio.,
Sunflower Sampler
22 April 2014
Birthday Presents
It was my birthday yesterday. It was very quiet. I got some lovely gifts and cards. Thank you all!
Birthday cards
I am in two groups of Birthday cards and floss. The first few sets are from the i-love-cross-stitch yahoo group.
The next photos are from the second group. I love all the cards and threads from both groups. Thank you!
Birthday cards
I am in two groups of Birthday cards and floss. The first few sets are from the i-love-cross-stitch yahoo group.
The next photos are from the second group. I love all the cards and threads from both groups. Thank you!
from Sharon. Lovely card and 3D too.
From Mary Jane
From Gaynor (stitchers anon)
From Valerie
From Nicole
From Cathe
From Donna. plus she included Heart in Hand Wee Wooly.
These following pictures are from my Birthday Club. My problem is which one do I start first? I think I might do a random.org and start that one first.
From Shauntrerria
Pickle Barrel Designs Popsicles
28 count Lambswool Jobelan
Vintage Violet thread
From Sharon
Sue Ellis Design You Sweet Thing
Cheery Hill Stitchery Pink Owl on Branch
From Val
Stoney Creek Laughter is Sunshine
28 count Jobelan
Floss to go with it
From Debbie Jo
Sue Hillis Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Sullivan Floss goes with the pattern
From Lena
Blackbird Designs America the Beautiful
Overdyed threads goes with the patterns
From Mark
Lizzie Kate Chicks kit
Lizzie Kate Be Who You Are
Piecemakers 26 needles
Over dyed threads
From Evalina
My Big Toe Designs Stitch All Day
32 count Jobelan
Thank you everyone!!!
15 April 2014
Sunflowers and a Winner!
Sunflower Sampler
by Country Cottage Needleworks
18 count opalescent aida, color unknown
recommended threads
I am selling my stash, mainly because I have a feeling I won't be stitching these patterns and I will be moving in a year or two. As I was going through some ( just some), I came across of another Sunflower pattern but from LHN. See, I have a theme for this post. I kitted up Little Miss Sunflower and started on her. This is the picture from last week:
This is the picture today, when I finished the house.
Still got quite a bit to go but I have a chance to stitch a lot this week. Maybe it will be almost done by next week. On Sunday, I had a Pampered Chef party by Skype. It was the first time my consultant did the Skype party and I found out later, it was her first live show. All her parties have been online. She did a great job! We had a lot of fun and I made a birthday cake for my aunt. Next time I will take pictures. I am still taking orders for my party.
Here is a picture of me, 3 months after my surgery. For some reason I thought 4 months had gone by but it is just 3. This was taken on April 9th,. I have lost 49 pounds which is a lot. I have been walking a lot more and I even went into a fitting room in Walmart to try on a top. I haven't been able to do that in years!!! I had my jeans on yesterday. I took the belt off, and the jeans fell right to my ankles. I need a new pair!
I am sorry I had forgot I was doing a giveaway. I had appointments and a party to plan. Time just got away from me. I put in 16 entries in the random.org and number 5 popped up.. The winner is
Vickie of Reading and Stitching!
Congratulations Vickie! I will be getting a hold of you shortly and the patterns will be on your way!
Next week I will be back with new stash pictures. My birthday is on Monday and my birthday gifts are piling up nicely. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Vicky
27 March 2014
March Stitch for Stash and Giveaway
I did really good on mt spending this month. I only spend $4 for a pattern from Stoney Creek. I had forgot to grab last month's freebie and since I am in the middle collecting the series, I grabbed February's pattern with March.
Now on to the stitching progress. I have 2 small finishes I can not show yet. I do have 2 other finishes and a mini finish to show.
Map of Connecticut
by Sue Ellis
14 ct Aida and recommended threads
LHN Calendar Girls~March
28 ct Clay Cashel Linen
DMC threads
My mini finish is finishing page 2 of Autumn Encounter. I love how it is coming out. I hope to start page 3 soon.
I received this lovely chick dish towel from Lynda in my pens ans needles yahoo group. It is so adorable! It is hanging on my stove handle now. Thank you Lynda!
My Giveaway
I am giving away the first 3 patterns of the Little House Needleworks Calender Girls~ January, February and March. They are unmarked so you can stitch them easily. Just post a comment you wish to be entered.
On April 4, I will pick a name using Random.org. I will ship international too.
One more note, I am putting my stash on sale. I made a page for my stash. I am tire seeing it and collecting dust. I will be adding more stuff soon.
Until next time, Vicky
19 March 2014
Pickle Barrel Giveaway
Pickle Barrel is having a giveway and looking for new blogger friends. The winner will have a choice of winning one of her new patterns and they are so cute. I will be selecting "Life Lessons" if I win. Please let her know you read it on my blog . Just click on Pickle Barrel to get to the post.

28 February 2014
February Stitch from Stash report
I am just making the deadline for this month's report. I had want to finish my Calender girl before reporting. First, on the spending. I brought LHN Little Moss Sunflower, CCN Snowmen Trio and Nora Corbett Letter E for $15.60. Letter E is for a gift, but not sure when I am stitching it, so I counted it against my budget. It was only $4.
For my working in progress projects, I stitched on Azure and Autumn Encounter.
In Autumn Encounter, I stitched the first 2 columns on page 2. I will be stitching more on this next week. I want to do the next 2 columns at least.
Azure finally hit a slow stitching period. I am doing the skin over 1. I forgot how slow it is, because I am doing 4 stitches for one square. I am hoping to finish the skin this coming month.
I do have 2 finishes for this month. I can't show one of them because it is an exchange and will be on to its new home shortly. The one I did finish was the LHN February Calender Girl.
Little House Needleworks February Calender Girl
by Diane Williams
Recommended threads and fabric
I am loving this series. I saw March Girl and she is very pretty. I can't wait to get her. I hope my enthusiasm continues through out the year. I still have not decided how I am going finish the series. Right now I am stitching them individually.
I did not stitch on my LizzieKate ABC Lessons this month. Hopefully I will get to it next month. That is my report for February.
Until next time,
17 February 2014
11 February 2014
Stitch Update, Snow and a Goodbye
On Autumn Encounter by Kustom Krafts, I finished page one finally. I did start on page 2 but I will show a picture on my next post.
I finish the tail and fin on Azure by Nora Corbett. She is very fun to stitch and easy too. There is no blending threads. I will be starting the skin portion in a day or two. I will be stitching the skin 2 threads over 1.
I am still stitching Lizzie Kate ABC Lessons. I had to move the q-snaps over and took a picture. Hopefully I can go back to it soon, I think after I do the skin on Azure and I stitch February Calender Girl. I should have the pattern any day now.
I had went to my support meeting this past Monday. I am 5 miles away but with traffic it can take 15 minutes to get there. I took my camera and got some snowy scenes. More snow is coming on Thursday with another 4 to 8 inches of the white stuff and a mixture of sleet and rain. Oy! What a mess!
As you must have heard by now, Shirley Temple Black passed away on February 10, 2014. I loved her movies as a kid. I would watch them at my aunt's house because she had a vcr and would rent the movies on the weekends. My favorite movie is Heidi and closely followed behind A Little Princess. Of course, you can't forget about the Shirley Temples cocktail drinks. When my siblings and I went out to dinner with our parents, they will let us order a Shirley Temple. I always felt like a grown-up because it was made at the bar and arrived in a special glass. Rest in peace Shirley!
Until next time, Vicky
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