I had to finish Liberty Belles in a wall hanging. It is not perfect but I like how it came out. The mistake I made, if you are wondering, a row is missing on the Belle on your right. I was suppose to put a white stitch between the hands and sleeves. When I realize what I did, it didn't make a difference at all. The Belles are hanging on my wall. I really shouldn't put anything on my walls since I am going be painting them in a couple months. Well, my aunt and brother are doing the painting.
While I was doing the finishes for the Belles, I decided to finish a couple Christmas ornaments, which I stitched them last year. I can't wait to put them on my tree. Is it almost the holiday season?
Here is my progress on the Shoppe. I stitched it on Sunday as I watch True Blood and Extreme Chef. I am still stitching my exchange and hoping to get back to the Shoppe by Friday.
I did stitch on my exchange today but not yesterday. I just did not get to it. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. I am getting partial dentures for my top front teeth. The teeth are gone, now its time for the impressions part. Thursday I have an eye doctor, for a field test and pick up my new glasses. Friday I am going to the mall and stitch, and Saturday, our new stove is coming.
Have a great week!
Many hugs,