I did okay for this month.
Running balance: $6.95
February amount: $25.00
Spend: $19.00
Credits for finishes: $0.00
Total is: $12.95
I am still in my budget! Two months in a row! Whoo-hoo! I bought these two patterns:
The Witches of Booville by Stoney Creek was $7.00. It is a used pattern and I couldn't resist it. The witches are cute.
I got Nora Corbett's Geranium Pixie. I love her colors. I want to get her fabric soon but I might wait into April or do her on a white.
I have to get a business suit for interviews. I am now looking for part time job. I need to look the part. My class is doing Mock Interviews in ten weeks. The Career Director, who oversees all the career centers on all campuses, will be doing the interview. The teacher wants us to have the full experience of being interview. So nervous thinking about it now but it will be a good experience.
I have been stitching on my SAL, Fleurs de Ciel. I am still on page 1. I know I will finish page 1 this weekend, but I do not think I will be done with page 2 by March 10. I am hoping I can still get the next pages. I will send her a message next week.
I am so happy March will be here in a couple days. I am so tired of the cold. One morning, last week, it was a -5 degrees! Without the wind chill! When it hits the 40s and 50s, it is going feel so nice! I can not wait! But we do have some more of that white stuff on Sunday into Monday morning. I hope I can go to school still.
I hope everyone enjoys the next couple weeks. I will try to put up another update on my Fleurs when I get to page 2. Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.
Until next time,
Nutmegger's Stitching Works
27 February 2015
08 February 2015
Last of Starts, YOTA and Snow!
I did not start 31 projects for Debbie's Ultimate Crazy Challenge but I did come close with 26 new starts. I am not sure how I missed 5, but I do know when I do this next year, I will be a bit more organized. Now my job is to get some finishes. Here are the last 5 new starts:
Lizzie Kate Boxer Cinderella is Proof
LHN The Farmer's Daughter
The picture is side ways.
LHN Calendar Girls September
LHN Calendar Girls December
I have completed LHN Calendar Girls January, February and March last year and I have April almost 2/3rds is almost done. I have not start November. The lettering is in 3 colors, so I might find an Autumn variegated thread to do the lettering.
I do not have a progress on my YOTA SAL. YOTA is being hosted by Pulled the Other Thread. I read on one of the other blogs that the stitcher stitches on her piece for 30 minutes a day. I will try to do that myself, because it is a good idea and I do want to get some of my UFOs done. Hopefully I will have a progress report on March 7.
It has been snowing so badly here in my world! The last 2 Mondays, my classes have been cancelled due to these snowstorms. First was a blizzard and the govern put a travel ban on Connecticut highways. The second storm gave us another 10 inches. Tonight we are getting another storm and it won't be stopping until late Monday night. They are predicting another 10 inches with this storm. I may have tomorrow off too but I won't find out until 5:30 in the morning. I know I will have to make up the days soon and they will be on a Friday or Saturday. My teacher thinks most likely on a Saturday. School on a Saturday! Boy, that will be so weird! Here is some pictures of the lovely white stuff.
It was snowing on one of the last 2 snowstorms when I took the pictures. I believe it was just starting.
This pile of snow is right outside my kitchen window. My window is above the kitchen sick. So that pile is very huge!
The snow on the left side of my patio.
A view when I am looking straight ahead from the patio door.
This is from the right side of the patio. Another big pile in the corner.
Thank you so much for stopping by and looking at my blog.
Until next time,
Calendar girls,
Cinderella is Proof,
Lizzie Kate,
The Farmer's Daughter
25 January 2015
More starts!
I felt like Fred Flintstone last night. I was house and dog sitting for my sister this weekend. I had went to check the mail. She has a closed porch so I closed the door behind me. I was being cautious because I didn't want the dog run out the front door but I didn't pay attention to the lock. Imagine my surprise when I found out I was locked out. I knew I locked the back door because it was dark. I had no choice but go next door to ask for help with no shoes or jacket. I walked next door in slush and puddles in my socks. The neighbors got their son to come and he went through the kitchen window. The whole thing last about 45 minutes. The poor dog was scared because I disappeared and hid on under the bed. Poor puppy! Next time I will pay attention to the lock.
Here is my new starts for Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge.
Here is my new starts for Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge.
LHN Calendar Girls May
LHN Calendar Girls July
LHN Calendar Girls August
Mirabilia Lady of the Flag
Vee and Co Summer in the USA
LHN Autumn Band Sampler
CCN Dear Santa
This is Angie's SAL I had started. I will be working on this more.
We are getting a blizzard this week, matter fact starting on Monday. I hope I can get to school on Wednesday okay. I don't think I will have school on Tuesday.
Thank you for stopping by. I will be back next week.
Hugs, Vicky
Autumn Band Sampler,
Calendar girls,
Dear Santa,
Lady of the Flag,
Sumer in the USA,
21 January 2015
Stitch from Stash January Report
This is my first report for Stitch from Stash for the month of January.
Starting Balance: $25.00
Amount I spend: 18.05
Credit for finishes: 0.00
Ending balance: $6.95
I have no finishes for this month.
I started 15 projects and worked on 2 WIPs so far when this report was posted.
I joined a SAL which costed $5.
I had went to Joanns with a couple coupons and got 2 pieces of evenweave and some floss for $13.05. My new starts are the following:
Mirabilia Lady of the Flag
Angie's SAL, the Pattern above.
I was in budget this month! Yes! There was a couple patterns I wanted to buy, especially this new Nora Corbett Pixie Wisteria. Oh my goodness, it is so beautiful. I am being good and did not buy it yet.
Starting Balance: $25.00
Amount I spend: 18.05
Credit for finishes: 0.00
Ending balance: $6.95
I have no finishes for this month.
I started 15 projects and worked on 2 WIPs so far when this report was posted.
I joined a SAL which costed $5.
I had went to Joanns with a couple coupons and got 2 pieces of evenweave and some floss for $13.05. My new starts are the following:
Country Cottage Gingerbread Houses
Ink Circles Reflections of Paris
LHN Calendar Girls-June
LHN Calendar Girls-October
Lizzie Kate ABC Lessons
Lizzie Kate At Our House
Lizzie Kate Promise Me
Lizzie Kate Time for God
Mirabillia Elizabeth
Nora Corbett Azure
Nora Corbett Lady Slipper
Panko Costumes Through the Ages
Stoney Creek Joyful Owls
Waxing Moon Simply Americana
Mirabilia Lady of the Flag
Angie's SAL, the Pattern above.
I was in budget this month! Yes! There was a couple patterns I wanted to buy, especially this new Nora Corbett Pixie Wisteria. Oh my goodness, it is so beautiful. I am being good and did not buy it yet.
I will report next month and hopefully I would be in budget still.
17 January 2015
First term over and One year Anniversary!
I did not stitch every day this past week because I was studying for the exams. I did catch up on my new starts for Debbie's Ultimately Crazy Stitching Challenge on yesterday. The following pictures are 7 new starts.
LHN Calendar Girls-October
Panko Costumes Through the Ages
This is going to be huge!!! The finish will by 35 x 26 inches.
Stoney Creek Joyful Owls
Lizzie Kate At Our House
LHN Calender Girls-June
Halloween Hoots by Ursula Michaels
Ivy by Nora Corbett
The fabric is upside down in the picture.
This is me on January 14, 2014
Me on January 16, 2015.
I went to the see the nurse from the surgeon's office. I celebrated my first surgery anniversary. I had lost 70 pounds this past year. I am very proud in what I had accomplished. My life changed so much this past year and all for the better. I have more energy and I do not mind going for walks or doing chores. I like doing them now because I do not get so tired very quickly. I can do stuff. I love to go walking and I will continue to do so when the weather is a little warmer. I know I could have done better. I can make a whole bunch of excuses but in the end, it was me who made those wrong choices. I am being hard on my self and have been told that many times, but I am the only one I answered too. I am the one that I have to take of so I can live a long life. Before my surgery, I was heading to an early death. Now, there is big chance I can live a longer life and do more traveling and exploring this world I want to do. I need to loose more weight to enjoy these activities. I won't loose the weight if I continue to make the wrong choices. I would never regret having this surgery because I am living a life now and before I wasn't and for that I will always be grateful.
I will be back next week with more starts.
10 January 2015
Stitching Challenge and YOTA
The first week came and went and I did stitch every day so far! It is amazing I was able to do that. I had a head cold this past week too. I went to my doctor ( I was due for a visit in a week anyways) and he gave me some antibiotic and I am feeling so much better. I did miss a day of classes. When I got back, we had a test. I did not do so well, but since it was my first low grade, it didn't affect my average grade by much. I still have an A in the course. :)
I showed you my first two projects last week. Here is the ones I had started this week except for todays (Jan 10). I haven't stitch yet today.
Day 3 a new start: County Cottage Gingerbread House. A pattern I got in an exchange.
Day 4 was a WIP I picked up. It is Nora Corbett's Lady Slipper. The top picture is before and the one after is the new stitches added. I will be finishing this one up this year.
Day 5 is a new start, Lizzie Kate Promise Me. I will be finishing this one this year too.
Day 6 is a new start, Lizzie Kate Time for God.
Day 7 I started on Waxing Moon Simply Americana.
Day 8 I started on Ink Circles Reflections of Paris. Definitely a different style for me stitching but I so like it
Day 9 I started on Mirabilia Elizabeth. I hope I can come back to her soon. I love the fabric I am stitching her on. The picture makes the colors very grayish but in person, it is a light purple with a hint of pink, blue and green. It is gorgeous.
Since it is the 10th of January, it is time for a YOTA report. I do not have a pictures but I will be working on Lizzie Kate's ABC Lessons, ( a picture is in the last post) and I want to work on LHN Pumpkin Hollow. I will have pictures by next month, I promise.
This week I have a test on muscles and my oral presentation on Monday. On Wednesday and Thursdays is Final Exams. Friday I go see my surgeon for my one year anniversary for my surgery. One way I am looking forward to it but I know what I been doing the last 6 months and not looking forward to the appointment at the same time. Maybe it wont be as bad as I think it will be. I have the weekend off from schoolwork. Yes!
I will be back next weekend. Have a great week!
Hugs, Vicky
03 January 2015
Good bye 2014 and Hello 2015!
Hello 2015! I have been missing in action for a few months in blogger land. I have been busy with school. Yes, I am going to school and being trained to work in a doctor's or hospital office. I am liking the classes but a lot of work. I am keeping up and my grades are high. The only thing is my stitching is suffering big time. 2014 was a year of change for me. I had my gastric sleeve surgery in January 2014 and my life changed so much!
I had signed up for ‎Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge 2015 (DUCJC2015 on Facebook. I did not make a list. I have so much stash I want to do, I am just taking a pattern or an WIP or UFO a day from my stash and working on it. I hope I can do it. With schoolwork and final exams coming in a couple weeks, my stitching will be very minimal, until Jan 16. The idea is to stitch on something different every day in January, whether it will be a new pattern or a wip or ufo.
I joined Mel's Stitching from Stash again. I was doing good on it the first 6 months or so last year and then I went berserk and went off the budget. I am back on it and with school, it should be easier. My mind will be on school until I graduate in July. However, I did spend this month but less than $10.
I joined Angie's SAL for $5.00. Since I joined today (Jan 2), the price will be coming out of my budget. However I do have a piece big enough to start it on Jan 10. It is very pretty. I am going to try my best to get part 1 done in 2 months. Even if I have to bring it to school and work on it on my lunch. A few stitches here and there will bring it closer to the finish.
I joined the YOTA SAL too from Pull the Other Thread. You work on a UFO and mention it on the first Saturday of the month, except for this month, it is on the 10th. So I will be back on next week. I do have a few UFOs I want to work on, and I am sure I will find one before Saturday to work on one.
For Day 1 on DUCJC2015, I worked on Nora Corbett's Azure. Last month I got her partner, Verde and the matching fabric. Still waiting for the fabric but it will be here shortly. I worked on Azure's arms and will be going back and finish her this year.
On Day 2, I worked on Lizzie Kate's ABCs Lessons. I am going to finish this one this year too. It has been an UFO far too long. I finish stitching the last line and some letters. Today I am starting something new which I will post by the end of the week.
On the week before Christmas, I got the most wonderful gift from a Secret Santa. I saw this being sold on Facebook and asked the seller I will buy the kit after the New Year if no one buys it. I was so surprised when I opened the envelope. Shelley from California send it to me as a surprise. I will be starting it this month. Thank you so much Shelley! It will have a special place on my wall.
Here is few pictures of me at Christmas or around Christmas.
This is my sister Dawne and me on Christmas Day at her house.
This is me a week before Christmas. I had lost about 75 pounds this year and have so much energy. I am faster than my Dad these days, lol. I do have a lot more work to do to get more healthier.
My father turned 70 on December 17, as well as his twin sister. We threw a party for them and tried to surprised them. My aunt's ex found out about it and told her about the party. And than he had the galled to asked for an invitation! She knew about the party for a couple weeks but didn't tell my Dad. He knew something was up but couldn't figure it out. This picture above is the family with my Mom's best friend, Marie. Starting at left, me, Dad, Marie, Amy, DJ and Dawne.
Thank you for visiting me and I am sorry for the long absence. I will try to post more after January. I will be my January Stitching at least once a week, and maybe more if I find time in the week.
Until next week my friends,
I had signed up for ‎Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge 2015 (DUCJC2015 on Facebook. I did not make a list. I have so much stash I want to do, I am just taking a pattern or an WIP or UFO a day from my stash and working on it. I hope I can do it. With schoolwork and final exams coming in a couple weeks, my stitching will be very minimal, until Jan 16. The idea is to stitch on something different every day in January, whether it will be a new pattern or a wip or ufo.
I joined Mel's Stitching from Stash again. I was doing good on it the first 6 months or so last year and then I went berserk and went off the budget. I am back on it and with school, it should be easier. My mind will be on school until I graduate in July. However, I did spend this month but less than $10.
I joined Angie's SAL for $5.00. Since I joined today (Jan 2), the price will be coming out of my budget. However I do have a piece big enough to start it on Jan 10. It is very pretty. I am going to try my best to get part 1 done in 2 months. Even if I have to bring it to school and work on it on my lunch. A few stitches here and there will bring it closer to the finish.
I joined the YOTA SAL too from Pull the Other Thread. You work on a UFO and mention it on the first Saturday of the month, except for this month, it is on the 10th. So I will be back on next week. I do have a few UFOs I want to work on, and I am sure I will find one before Saturday to work on one.
For Day 1 on DUCJC2015, I worked on Nora Corbett's Azure. Last month I got her partner, Verde and the matching fabric. Still waiting for the fabric but it will be here shortly. I worked on Azure's arms and will be going back and finish her this year.
On Day 2, I worked on Lizzie Kate's ABCs Lessons. I am going to finish this one this year too. It has been an UFO far too long. I finish stitching the last line and some letters. Today I am starting something new which I will post by the end of the week.
On the week before Christmas, I got the most wonderful gift from a Secret Santa. I saw this being sold on Facebook and asked the seller I will buy the kit after the New Year if no one buys it. I was so surprised when I opened the envelope. Shelley from California send it to me as a surprise. I will be starting it this month. Thank you so much Shelley! It will have a special place on my wall.
Here is few pictures of me at Christmas or around Christmas.
This is my sister Dawne and me on Christmas Day at her house.
This is me a week before Christmas. I had lost about 75 pounds this year and have so much energy. I am faster than my Dad these days, lol. I do have a lot more work to do to get more healthier.
My father turned 70 on December 17, as well as his twin sister. We threw a party for them and tried to surprised them. My aunt's ex found out about it and told her about the party. And than he had the galled to asked for an invitation! She knew about the party for a couple weeks but didn't tell my Dad. He knew something was up but couldn't figure it out. This picture above is the family with my Mom's best friend, Marie. Starting at left, me, Dad, Marie, Amy, DJ and Dawne.
Thank you for visiting me and I am sorry for the long absence. I will try to post more after January. I will be my January Stitching at least once a week, and maybe more if I find time in the week.
Until next week my friends,
ABC lessons,
Lizzie Kate,
Nora Corbett,
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