
26 August 2008

Second Blog Award

Here are the rules:
1. Only five people allowed.
2. 4 of them have to be dedicated followers of your blog and 1 has to be new and live in another part of the world.
3. You have to link back to who gave you the award. Debra
So to honor some fellow bloggers, my nominees for this award are: (I don't know how dedicated they are but I have had comments from)

1. Amethyst Lady-Kelly
2. BW's Stitches and Things -BW
3. The Stiching Nook-Dawn
4. Rosebud's Stitching-Karol
And my new blog nominee is
5. Stitching and Stuff-Joke


Joke said...

Vicky, thanks for the surprise! I am kind of dedicated, and love to follow so many stitcher's blogs :)

Karol said...

Thanks Vicky for the award. Sorry it took me so long.