
23 October 2009

Book Challenge 2009

1. The Chocolate Bridal Bash by JoAnna Carl finished 9/19/2009
2. A Stitched in Time by Monica Ferris finished 10/8/2009
3. Eclispe by Stephanie Meyers
4. Marked by Kristen Cast and P.C Cast
5. The Wedding by Danielle Steel
6. The Accidental Virgin by Valerie Frankel
7. The Nanny by Melissa Nathan finished 10/21/2009
8. Cyber Cinderella by Christina Hopkinson
9. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella finished 10/5/2009
10. Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult

I finished my fourth book yesterday. It was The Nanny by Melissa Nathan. I liked alot and some of it was very funny and even the conversation was a bit witty. The story is about Jo who moves to London to nanny a family and still tries to maintain her relationship with her boyfriend, which is really ending but Jo is not ready to face it. Of course she falls in love with another guy in London. I am just not sure I like how the author let Jo's best friend really used Jo to get to the boyfriend. It just became very predictable as if I was watching a soap opera show. Now on to my next book, than I will be half way done.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Marked is a very good book. Just finished it a few months back. ;)

A great list of reading.